Saturday, June 27, 2020

Describe What Are The Main Points Ed Lorenz Made - 275 Words

Describe What Are The Main Points Ed Lorenz Made? (Essay Sample) Content: GeographyStudents Name.Affiliated UniversityThe butterfly effect is the concept that states that small causes can have large effects. The butterfly effect was used in weather prediction and later the term butterfly effect became metaphor and it is used in science. In chaos theory, the term butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on the initial condition in which small change in one state is a deterministic nonlinear system can result to large effects. Human adaptation is any alteration in the structure or the function of an organism or any of its parts due to natural selection in order to survive in certain environment better.What are the main points Ed Lorenz made?Sensitivity to the initial condition means that each point in the chaotic system is arbitrary closely approximately by other points with significantly different paths. Therefore, small changes in the current paths may lead to significantly different future behavior.Topological mixing meaning the system will evolve over time, so that a given religion will overlap with any other given religion the mathematical concept of mixing corresponds to the standard intuition.Strange attractors the general shape of Lorenz attractor the attractor result from simple three dimensional shapes from the Lorenz model of weather system. This displays the chaotic behavior. Due to sensitive dependence, on the initial conditions within the region of the space occupied by the attractor.Ed Lorenz made was no matter how complex they may rely upon the underlying order which is very simple or small systems and events can cause very complex behaviors or events. this idea is known as the sensitive dependence the on an initial condition. He concluded that the slightest difference in the initial condition made prediction about the past or future outcomes impossible.Ed Lorenz is predictability. Does the flap of a butterfly wings in Brazil set off a Tornado in Texas this illustrates the possibility of making predi ction of complex system despite that, this complex system are determined by underlying conditions however, this condition cannot be sufficiently articulated to allow at a long range predictions .What are the main points made by Dr. Gotfryd made? Climate change affects the biodiversity and hence the human beings have to adapt to the changes in order to live a better life. He talks about how important is the biodiversity how it affects the human beings and how the human beings can suffer from that hence where the climate changes come in and how the struggle to adapt to the changes which have negative effects on them.How does the meteorological concept of the ''Butterfly Effect''extend outside the boundaries of meteorologyand how can one apply this concept and the broader idea it represents to empower society in general and the individual in particular? You can apply the butterfly concept in physics in calculating the jerks equation which is equivalent to three first order, ordinary and nonlinear differential a certain sense the minimal setting for solutions showing chao...